To my faithful readers: Herein lie many of my favorite websites, ready for you to browse and enjoy. Even if you're familiar with them, maybe I've included some ideas of how that website can be useful to you that you haven't yet thought of.

One of my new favorite websites is
Pinterest. It's an amazing photo organizing website, but not for your own photos. Any time you're browsing the Internet and you find a photo that blows your mind you can keep it with the brower app Pinterest offers. At that point you add it to any of your online Pinterest bulletin boards. However, you can also get on the Pinterest site and browse pins from other users. You can follow users who have great bulletin boards as well. I've used the site to find photos of delicious food to eat and cute crafts to make. I'm planning to make the yarn wreath in this photo very soon. I've already made a dried orange wreath that I found on Pinterest as well. Many of my friends who are planning weddings, or planning to plan a wedding, have bulletin boards just for their wedding ideas. The only downfall to Pinterest is that you have to request and wait for an invite. But mine only took a week or two to come, and the wait was well worth it.
Website Grade: ______________
Uncommon Goods

Okay, so I love shopping. But as much as I love buying a new pair of amazing shoes, which is a lot, trust me, I also love finding super weird gift ideas for my friends and family. Enter,
Uncommon Goods. Generally my gift ideas are for other people, because if anyone I know is silly enough to ask what I would like for a birthday or Christmas, the answer is almost always the same - books. But sometimes an item is just so me that I have to let my mom know. Like these literary iPhone cases. Of course I'm all about the
To Kill a Mockingbird one. Too bad it won't fit my iPhone 5 when I get it soon-ish, so I decided it wasn't worth the cash. Still an amazing find though. One thing I really love about this site is that it's organized by gender and by part of the home. So you can find goods specific to men and women or you can find goods specific to the kitchen or the office. Even if you can't spend any money it's still fun to get online and browse the weird stuff they offer.
Website Grade: __________________

As I just finished rambling about, I love to read. And even though my list of "to read" books is already more than I can get through in a lifetime, it never hurts to add a few more, right? I was introduced to
Goodreads during a summer fellowship during graduate school. It's pretty much a social network for book worms. It's also a digital shelving system, which I really enjoy. I have a shelf for books I've read, books I want to read, and books I'm currently reading. You have to make a profile, like any other social network, but that also means that you can have friends and see what they're reading as well. It doesn't ever come as much of a shock that the people I am friends with on Goodreads usually like the same kinds of books as me.
Website Grade: ________________
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